Message from the President

Specialty Medical Distribution Corporation is dedicated to contributing to medical care through the distribution of specialty products.

Specialty products mainly refer to pharmaceuticals for rare diseases for which the number of patients is extremely small, pharmaceuticals that require special handling such as ultra-low temperature transport, and highly anticipated regenerative medicine products. Difficult to incorporate into normal pharmaceutical distribution systems, specialty products require the development of optimal distribution systems and unified handling procedures. Our company was established in June 2013 as a wholesale business company of the Alfresa Group. We will deliver what is needed, when needed to where it is needed, by taking advantage of Japan’s largest ethical pharmaceutical distribution network and our proprietary advanced temperature control distribution technology.
The sequence of events leading up to a patient receiving treatment is referred to as the “patient journey,” and for rare diseases, this becomes a particularly long journey. For patients with rare diseases, there is great significance in receiving a proper diagnosis at an early phase. What we can do to achieve this is to contribute to early disease detection and early adoption of therapeutic drugs, to raise awareness and understanding of rare diseases through disease awareness activities, and to promptly connect this information to distribution.
We believe that these activities lead to the happiness of patients and their families and also the joy of medical professionals.
Yasuhide Sawado, Representative Director and President
Yasuhide Sawado


Company name
Specialty Medical Distribution Corporation
Head office address
5F, WORK VILLA MITOSHIRO, 1 Kandamitoshirocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact information
Phone +81-3-5283-5025 
FAX +81-3-5283-5027
Yasuhide Sawado, Representative Director and President
Date of establishment
June 12, 2013
50 million yen
Shareholding ratio
Alfresa Corporation: 60%; TOMITA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: 20%; Moroo Co., Ltd.: 20%
Distribution of specialty pharmaceuticals, etc.
Licenses obtained
Head office:
Selling of pharmaceuticals (wholesaling), selling and leasing of specially controlled medical devices, etc., selling of regenerative medicine products
Kanagawa Distribution Center (in Shin-Kanagawa Terminal, 1-1-1, Anzencho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture):
Selling and leasing of specially-controlled medical devices, etc.
Specialty Medical Distribution

Specialty Medical Distribution’s Principles

Our philosophy

We are there for the patients and the people who care about them.

Our Vision

We aim to become a reliable partner by pursuing optimal distribution and
services in the specialty field.

What Our Logo Represents

Inspired by hands held together and faces facing each other, our logo represents our commitment to be there for the patients, medical professionals, and medical personnel.
The circle that outlines the logo is inspired by the earth, and signifies that we are a company with global perspectives.
What Our Logo Represents

Credo Chair

What if a rare disease patient was sitting in the white chair in the middle of the conference room while discussions are held and decisions are made? And what if there were also the patient’s family members standing behind the chair? Would we be able to have discussions that we can be proud of? Or come to conclusions that we can be proud of?
In order to keep this perspective in mind at all times, a white chair (Credo Chair) is set up in our company’s conference room.
Credo is a Latin word meaning “aspiration, promise, or creed,” and also refers to “a concise expression of the values and code of conduct on which corporate activities are based.”
Credo Chair

Group Companies and Affiliated Companies

Group Companies and Affiliated CompaniesGroup Companies and Affiliated CompaniesQINGDAO NESCO MEDICAL CO., LTD.(Qingdao, Shandong Province, China)Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation(Akita Prefecture)Meisho Co., Ltd. (Ishikawa)Tohoku Alfresa Corporation(Miyagi/Fukushima)TS Alfresa Corporation(Hiroshima)Alfresa Shinohara Chemicals Corporation(Kochi)Shikoku Alfresa Corporation(Kagawa)Alfresa Pharma Corporation(Osaka)Alfresa CorporationSpecialty Medical DistributionAlfresa Medical Service CorporationA・L Plus Co., LTD.Alfresa Healthcare CorporationAPOCREAT CorporationAlfresa System CorporationRYUYAKU CO., LTD. (Okinawa)Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation(Akita Prefecture)Tohoku Alfresa Corporation(Miyagi/Fukushima)Alfresa CorporationSpecialty Medical DistributionAlfresa Medical Service CorporationA・L Plus Co., LTD.Alfresa Healthcare CorporationAPOCREAT CorporationAlfresa System CorporationMeisho Co., Ltd. (Ishikawa)Alfresa Pharma Corporation(Osaka)TS Alfresa Corporation(Hiroshima)Alfresa Shinohara Chemicals Corporation(Kochi)Shikoku Alfresa Corporation(Kagawa)RYUYAKU CO., LTD. (Okinawa)QINGDAO NESCO MEDICAL CO., LTD.(Qingdao, Shandong Province, China)